Welcome! Let Me Help You...

Get Help In 4 Easy Steps
We’ll save you time, money, and the headache…
 of bad treatments from unscrupulous and unskilled providers.
This is the core of the work we will do together, your customized plan of action for your specific concerns.

Reply to your receipt with with some photos. Acne Scars make shadows (use a directional light or flashlight). Tell us your concerns / what bugs you most, budget for treatment, past treatments, medical history, and your desired outcome. 

Get your customized plan. If you need expedited help (email us to inquire). Review your provided information.

The plan includes one free-response with your follow-up question(s). Purchase again at any time to ask multiple- questions, update your plan, receive ongoing support, coaching, guidance, and analysis through the tough and long process of treatment.

No risk for you.
Cancel at any time.

Dr’s do not have time to answer your questions, address your concerns or provide support and guidance. Basic or confusing questions, clarification of differing opinions (2nd opinion), aftercare, and assurance. We have helped all skin types (International).

Unlike others sources we are not trying to sell you unnecessary treatments and overprices cosmetics & topicals or give you marketing from the machine we own and sell to patients. Our concern is your success (knowledge is power). Let us assist and clarify. Lots of bad information out there. See the testimonials below.


My Acne Scars is dedicated to helping, educating, empowering, coaching, and supporting acne scar suffers.  Endorsed by some of the world’s top specialist Drs. Davin Lim, Steven Weiner, Emil Henningsen, and Dr Peter Rullan who are the advisory board.


(click on the topic below)

See the prices in the individual products. If the scope is outside of this it is determined on a case by case basis, you may contact us and request a price. We am not trying to take advantage of anyone and have done a business study of all the cost for coaching, telederm, and general advice services, app subscriptions, entertainment subscriptions, and customer service and convenience apps. We try to keep things low priced. There are costs to do business. App-web services, payment processors, web hosting and development, our valuable time (it takes work to customize and treat each person and respond to their needs) .

We want to be fair and help the acne scar community. Helping scar patients takes us 5 hours a day. Often plans take  a hour + to type up. 

  • For prices see above products on the scar consulting page (bottom) or the shop.
  • Donations are also welcomed. 
  • Quick question(s) are per correspondence 
  • The amount depends on the scope of the help/work you need. We have had to analyze pages of past treatments, doctors notes, complex situations, and a long history of past treatments. We will let you know when you message if the scope of the work will be complex.
  • Consults happen by Email or the website … IF you wish another source like webcam or one one one phone consults there will be additional charge (see the “expedited” product – It takes a lot of extra time to prep and facilitate this – my fees are considerably “cheaper” for the above methods).
  • For expedited service please select the Expedited / Video Call option.
  • If you cannot afford these fees please see the “scholarship question below”  – tell me what you can donate when you contact me and a brief overview of your situation of help needed. 

You post 5 comments on, Youtube, Instagram Comments, blog, or vlog about myacnescars.com . Take a screen shot, email me and we will give you the coupon code. Must be posted in popular “acne scar” social media / video comments.”

**Note: it must have the website and mention helping with acne scars, everything else should be in your own words. IF they do no allow spam or marketing make a personalized story up and say you found information on myacnescars  and to Google it.  

Ideas: Youtube, Reddit, Acne.org – Scar Forums, Beauty Forums, Instagram Comments, Facebook, Forums, Blog Comment Sections, Video comments, etc.

We have provided philanthropic / volunteer services to those in need. If your in financial “need” please send a note (through “contact” or email). The Subject should be “Scholarship.” Tell us your location  – country, why your in financial need briefly,  and age.
If you can afford to donate “something” let me know. Every little bit helps with operation costs!
You will be required to:
* Perform some simple marketing duties in exchange for help (see the “HOW DO I GET A COUPON CODE / DISCOUNT” section above)
* Wait time will be longer as paid customers take priority
** NOTE: please be aware scholarship cases are required to share their photos so other’s can learn from discounted or free advice. 

  • Save you the Heartache
  • Lost Payments and Bad treatments with unscrupulous providers giving you bogus ____
  • Information and clarity
  • Support and Coaching
  • A plan
  • Analysis
  • Customized to your needs specifically
  • After Care, providers often don’t answer after the treatment is done.
  • Clarity and Understanding
  • A way to express your emotional wellness and pain
  • We use these devices – knowing what works and does not (Settings).
  • Cut through the BS
  • Reality check of outcomes from treatment(s)
  • Endorsed by Dr Davin Lim, Dr Emil Henningsten, and Dr Steve Weiner (see video on about us under my name “Beautiful Ambition” ABOUT US)
  • Helped thousands of acne scar suffers with plans, consulting, and coaching for 10 years
  • Wrote a e-Book on Scars, 1 Million Downloads
  • Work in Aesthetics
  • Given Talks to Providers and offered training on how to treat acne scar suffers
  • Have suffered with Acne Scars in the past so I get the mindset and have a heart for those I help find success
  • All staff has been trained on acne scars treatment and consulting by the world’s top providers (see about us page). Our Staff have suffered with acne scars before finding a solution. They get the mindset and care a Dr will never understand. Everything is customized to our client, no copy pastes. 
  • See the above testimonials
  • About Us 

You make the payment through a secure well known payment providers: 

  • Paypal (everyone knows this one if you use eBay it’s their payment processor – even if you don’t have a account you can process your CC through paypal when checking out or Stripe A Famous Processor for Small Businesses)
  • Venmo
  • Amazon Gift Cards
  • Ebay Gift Cards
  • Apple Pay (must have a compatible device for it to show up)
  • Google Pay (must have a compatible device for it to show up)
  • Stripe (major credit card processor for huge companies – safe and secure to take CC or Use Paypal even if you don’t have a account to do the same thing).
  • Bitcoin / Litecoin / Monero (can be anonymous without providing info)
  • If you have another payment method message me to inquire. 
  • Email for a estimate if you need ongoing support or immediate attention 

Virtual means through the internet. You will receive consulting by email. If you wish another source like webcam, expedited service,  or one one one phone consults there will be additional charge ( see the “expedited” product – It takes a lot of extra time to prep and facilitate this – our fees are considerably “cheaper” for the above methods). 

What your get depends upon your needs and extent of work needed when you ask for my help. If it’s a follow up or a quick question that will be different than a analysis of a complicated scar suffer’s history and plan. These items may include:

  • A Plan of Treatment (with a response to understand what was presented and any questions you may have)
  • Analysis
  • Support and Coaching (you message me once a day with your questions of concerns)  – many find it helpful to ask me anything or make sense of their treatment and healing process
  • Saving you time, money, and hassle to get scar work that is time tested and works
  • Resources
  • Referral to someone who may be best for your case
  • Assurance things are going right with your treatments and healing (2nd opinion)
  • Clarity to your scar questions and concerns
  • A real voice who is not sponsored or sugar coated by ulterior motives of Dr’s, Device manufacturer’s, and pharmaceutical companies
  • We will not treat you (that is for your provider to do)
  • We will not be available 24-7 Instantaneously (expect to get a message up to 7-14 days latter unless you purchase “expedited” service).
  • We will not battle your Dr over differing opinion, they simply won’t listen.
  • We will not treat a group for the price of one person (unless you pay for that scope of work).
  • We will not analyze “hours” of information for complex cases for the cost of a standard scar plan. Please send us a note and we would be happy to help you if you need this but we will have to give you a individual quote. 
  • We respect your privacy (anonymity) and we appreciate you respect our privacy. We will not sell, use or transfer your data. We are not financially affiliated with any provider, manufacturer, or institution – we are here only to have the best interest of the client.  Privacy Policy
  • Service is a 1-on-1 consultation between My Acne Scars and you. No one else needs to know if you wish to stay private (the choice is yours).  We ask for the same privacy that the information and guidance provided not be shared publicly or misused without my consent and prior permission. Privacy Policy
  • We do not keep a backup of prior emails over 3 months, please provide updated pictures and information.
  • All staff has been trained on acne scars treatment and consulting by the world’s top providers (see about use page). Our Staff have suffered with acne scars before finding a solution. They get the mindset and care a Dr will never understand. Everything is customized to our client, no copy pastes. 
  • Through the years we have had to deal with clients where our safety, security, time, and personal boundaries became a issue. Sadly acne scars have a mental component to the suffer. Thus we focus on what we can help you fix or understand through your own journey, we don’t need to be social media stars or influencers posting our face all over the internet. Instead we focus on your care and goals, changing the world one client at a time. If you have a questions on how we can help email us: hi@myacnescars.com
  • If you do not wish your full face to be shown – crop the area you need me to evaluate or just blank out the eyes there are many apps that do this.  It’s always best to get pictures from our clients but if you absolutely must have privacy you can send others pictures that are similar to your concern – please be aware that the advice you received may not by accurate to your individual needs (clients often don’t know their issues from a skilled eyes perspective).
    • Methods to keep privacy: Blank out your eyes, or blur the image when sending pics or you can crop parts of the picture. 
  • We ask the bare minimum that our payment processors and allow them to take care of / provide you with security and peace of mind. We only require minimum input to go to the payment processor when obtaining consulting services so you may stay private, of course the more information you provide during the consulting process the more we are able to customize service. Some people use Bitcoin to stay full anonymous.
  • We are open to other methods to help you stay anonymous / private please email and we can facilitate. 
  • Every scar patient is different, … treatment must be customized to their concern and patient history.
  • We get the mindset, it’s not time to save a buck… Dr’s will take advantage of you, device manufactures will market to you, topical companies will offer XYZ. We don’t care about any Dr’s B&A photos, or marketing BS – We are independent and specialize to help you not sell treatment or false _____ to you . Big picture plans are flexible regardless of your provider or goals.
  • Often people are wrong with what they need (treatment) and have been sold by Marketing unnecessary or harmful treatment.
  • We work with the worlds TOP 1% Dr’s, many ascribe to the methodology and treatment plans we give
  • We have trained Dr’s how to do these types of treatment and protocols
  • We have clients who have read medical journals, seen countless Dr’s, been “informed” (sales), and obtained Dr based training – they still do not get the fundamentals of treating their own unique scars and fall for the marketing and manipulation traps often found in cosmetic medicine. They are confusing themselves and making it hard to reach their goals.  
  • Patients who “price shop” never end up getting good care, they instead find someone who takes advantage of them for the $$. We are finding a expert that can treat you not some nebulous machine that may not be necessary.
  • A $$ _____ may be just that and not worth it’s treatment cost.
  • See the FAQ section on saving patients $$’s of Dollars
  • You get what you pay for in life, … Dr’s often don’t have time to answer your questions, give you aftercare, evaluate progress (ulterior motive there) and give you a second opinion. 
  • The average Dr’s Fee is $175-$500 for a 15 minute consult and can go up to Hundreds for a specialist. There are click farm telederm or dermatology apps (smart phone) or generalized medical forums that use third world primary care Dr’s who are clueless if you want to go that route and it’s often $50-75 a response with terrible copy cutter advice you could have Googled. We are well under those fees for the quality of care, customization,  and information we offer. 
  • We are not sponsored to sell you treatments, devices, or experiences.  Our only goal is our clients outcome (goals). Independent source – forest mindset not the trees!
  • All staff has been trained on acne scars treatment and consulting by the world’s top providers (see about us page). Our Staff have suffered with acne scars before finding a solution. They get the mindset and care a Dr will never understand. Everything is customized to our client, no copy pastes.
  • A average scar patient spends $12K to $30K for acne scar treatment, our service is a valuable resource for a tiny fraction of the lowest cost of treatment. We save you money (clarity, educating, coaching).
    • Think of all the money & time you could loose if you bought into a Drs sales pitch and did not have options.
    • We can work with any Drs recommendation or Scar Plan to educate, strategize, and clarify.
  • The average initial Consult Dr’s Fee is $175-$500 for 15 minutes and can go up to Hundreds for a specialist. There are click farm telederm or dermatology apps (smart phone) or generalized medical forums that use third world primary care Dr’s who are clueless if you want to go that route and it’s often $50-75 a response with terrible copy cutter advice you could have Googled. We are well under those fees for the quality of care, customization,  and information we offer. 
  • Every scar patient is different, … treatment must be customized to their concern and patient history.
  • We get the mindset, it’s not time to save a buck… Dr’s will take advantage of you, device manufactures will market to you, topical companies will offer XYZ. We don’t care about any Dr’s B&A photos, or marketing BS – We are independent and specialize to help you not sell treatment or false _____ to you . Big picture plans are flexible regardless of your provider or goals.
  • Often people are wrong with what they need (treatment) and have been sold by Marketing unnecessary or harmful treatment.
  • We work with the worlds TOP 1% Dr’s, many ascribe to the methodology and treatment plans we give
  • We have trained Dr’s how to do these types of treatment and protocols
  • We have clients who have read medical journals, seen countless Dr’s, been “informed” (sales), and obtained Dr based training – they still do not get the fundamentals of treating their own unique scars and fall for the marketing and manipulation traps often found in cosmetic medicine. They are confusing themselves and making it hard to reach their goals.  
  • Patients who “price shop” never end up getting good care, they instead find someone who takes advantage of them for the $$. We are finding a expert that can treat you not some nebulous machine that may not be necessary.
  • A $$ _____ may be just that and not worth it’s treatment cost.
  • See the FAQ section on saving patients $$’s of Dollars
  • You get what you pay for in life, … Dr’s often don’t have time to answer your questions, give you aftercare, evaluate progress (ulterior motive there) and give you a second opinion. 
  • Many don’t realize a Dr’s job is to sell you treatment. That may be from differently lit or manipulated photos.
  • The patient may be one of his best examples, … everyone has some “good ones.”
  • That patient is not you,… they don’t have the same medical history, past treatments, underlying conditions, concerns, goals, or genetics. As such you may not have the same outcomes or treatment. Photos are just that inspirational. Let’s work on your goals.

We can work with any providers treatment plan recommendation or assessment, your constraints, questions, and goals. Often patients will sign up for a scar plan update to discuss multiple providers treatment plans (they have seen), their questions, and clarify a path forward. Educating, Coaching, and strategizing help by simply cutting through the confusion.  

The truth is there are many paths forward to the same goal. Providers have their favorite treatments and machines and often are sponsored to sell certain treatments (we are not). They may insist on doing things a certain way and not be open to other viewpoints. One Dr may call it ____ term and another may use different vernacular. Knowledge is power. Your not stuck / confused when you work with us. 

  • Typically up to 14 days depending on how busy we are (work load). We help hundreds of acne scar patients a day, thank you for your patience. 
  • If you need expedited care select that product for a rapid response

What is Expedited Care / Video Call / Phone Call Evaluation:

  • This is a premium service where you receive expedited care (skipping the normal wait for service)
  • Larger amount of Attention & Work Completed
  • Getting concierge special attention to your needs, questions, and concerns
    Includes 40 min (+ prep time / reviewing your emails) of a phone consultation or 40 min (+ prep time / reviewing your emails) video chat (these are harder to set up, take more resources).
  • The Client gets more out of this service than standard plans as they can ask any question and get the upmost attention to their need immediately.
  • We perform this through a virtual consult (email), Zoom, Skype, Phone, or your suggestion.  

Please feel free to email us your questions regarding consulting: hi@myacnescars.com 

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