Join Us For IG LIVE w/ our special guest Dr Henningsen @emil_henningsen !!! Spreading Education, support, and changing the acne scar world – @my.acnescars :
PST – 12AM
SAT (Denmark)
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Stay Tuned
Dr Weiner Sunday June 21st
**3 Lucky Winner’s Get
A Live Free Scar Eval…, to apply just email us and ask about the live contest. (NOTE) If you win… You will supply a few photos of your acne scars. You will get Dr’ Henningsen’s Opinion on your scars live on air. Keep any description of your past scar work history short please (under 300 characters) & Your City. – Email Us to Apply!
If you need a scar consult provides these to the patients who seek education and support and offers ongoing support. Medical information is made understandable and customized to the consulting client. To inquire PM on IG or email us about how we can help you.
Disclaimer: Dr’ Henningsen’s skills are not the same as a normal dermatologist and he is considered the top of this field, as such he can try procedures other Dr’s may not be able to do or have the ability to complete. Thus it is not generalized “advice” but an opinion of how Dr H would treat you. This is NOT medical advice and a opinion, as such one must be fully evaluated face to face and medical history and examination to have a proper treatment plan – it’s for educational and informational purposes only. Mistakes can be made, best to be guided by a physician face to face. There are many ways and paths to treat scars and this is not the only one. As such your Dr or providers may not agree to the info you heard. We hope to educate and empower the scar community.
My Acne Scars Live Vlog Simulcast With Guest Dr Emil Henningsen