The aim of this IG live session is to help patients & practitioners debunk the topic of acne scar revision. Share this post if you know someone who is struggling with acne scarring
Current Practice: Too much BullSh*t out there especially in the laser industry. Don¡¯t get me wrong, I still use lasers, RFM, #microneedling & other devices in the majority of cases, as do my colleagues. The difference is that we use these as tools to get the job done, and not the primary modality
Aim these sessions- bringing together a moderator from in addition to my esteemed colleagues from the United States (Plastic surgeon Dr Steve Weiner) & dermatologist Dr Emil Henningsen (Europe). We all share similar interests in scar revision. Sessions designed to illustrate our thought processes behind scar revision using not only devices but peels & most importantly surgical #subcision & fillers- both on-label and off-label
Format: Q and A in addition to reporting on live patients. For a chance for a de-identified report, please send a brief (300 word) history together with 2-4 good quality pictures to:
I will be kicking off the session this Saturday 1400 Brisbane Australia time (Google what time zone you are at). This will be followed by Dr Weiner the following week, & Dr Henningsen the week after !!! .
If you need a scar consult provides these to the patients who seek education and support and offer ongoing support. Medical information is made understandable and customized to the consulting client. To inquire PM on IG or email us about how we can help you.
Disclaimer: Dr’ Lim’s skills are not the same as a normal dermatologist and he is considered the top of this field, as such he can try procedures other Dr’s may not be able to do or have the ability to complete. Thus the opinion is of Dr Lim NOT medical advice, as such one must be fully evaluated face to face and medical history and examination to have a proper treatment plan – it’s for educational and informational purposes only. Mistakes can be made, best to be guided by a physician face to face. Many ways and path to treat scars and this is not the only one
My Acne Scars Simulcast Vlog With Specialists Discussing What’s New With Acne Scar Treatments